Creative Christmas Cash-saving Ideas


According to research* the average person in the UK spends around £512.85 per person on gifts at Christmas time!!!

And – 60% of us are trying to cut down our spending. OK, so that was based on research for 2019, pre Covid, and we can imagine that even more of us will be trying to cut down now.

This year, more than any other, it’s essential that we save cash – for, before and at Christmas time. Although it’s true to say that nobody can ever predict what the future holds, we do know that 2021 is likely to hold less cash for the vast majority of us.

So, how can you make sure you hold onto the cash you do have, and still wish your friends and family the best Christmas ever?

Here are a few Creative Christmas Cash-saving ideas:


Just say no. No gifts, no bought items. Just a socially distanced wave, a hand-made card, and perhaps a poem or drawing that you’ve done. This is the least expensive option, and you could save yourself that full £512.85

Charity shop gifts.

Do good with your money, support a charity, and buy someone something they could never imagine. Charity shops are full of fantastic, fun and unique things, so have a wonderful time browsing amidst the ancient pottery, funky jewellery, brilliant books or vintage games. There’s something for everyone.

Your personal treasure chest.

Most people have something in their home that they have never used and don’t really want. Why not invite your friends and family to choose what they might like, something that will remind them of you. Of course, make sure you give them robust limits – like the wedding ring is out of bounds, and definitely draw the line at doors and windows!

Money limits

Money can’t buy you love, so stop with splashing the cash! Set a firm money limit on all your friends and family. This applies to all the ideas here actually – but if you want to go with the traditional, at least set a budget that people are just not allowed to exceed.

Give privately

Don’t make a big show of gifting your loved one a gazillion-carat-diamond watch in front of the friends and family, instead give quietly, privately. Not only is it more classy, but also nobody will feel bad that their gift doesn’t match yours. Gifting is about making people feel good, not showing off.

Give cash

You can’t lose with gifting cash, when you don’t know what people might need. In fact, there's never anything wrong with giving cash. If you want to make it super-personal, then make them a personal card to go with it.

Ask for a gift-list first

Want to make sure you spend your hard-earned cash on what people actually want? Then – ask them for a gift-list. If you’ve already set the budget, and established a money-limit, then this will be a doozy. Just send a list round or put it up on social media.

Secret Santa your friendship groups

You’ve got a big group of friends and you all buy for each other? This year, how about secret Santa for the win? You can set your budgets, and even combine it with a charity shop purchase, so everyone gains.

Do it soon…

OK, so the thing with all of these is it will take some fore-thought. You can’t just do them on Christmas Eve. However – there’s time if you start now. So open up a discussion with those you love and choose your way forward together. Perhaps some people will plump for option 1, others will go for different options. Make a list, check it twice, and crack on! You got this. You can save a fortune and help others to save too - with just a little planning

Help others to save:

Everyone wants to spend less if they have less in their pockets, so by opening up this conversation, you can do them a favour and help them cut back.

Make it easier AFTER Christmas too…

If someone has given you a giftcard this year – then don’t just wait for the expiry to run out then look at it with sadness!** This year – DO SOMETHING WITH IT! Sell it on, or spend it immediately.If you really can’t find anything you like in that particular store – you can always use it to buy someone a gift there.

PS: Christmas spending normally starts around July, so we don’t feel too bad releasing this article in October – after all the mince pies are already on the shelves, and have been there for about a month.


** statistics for giftcard spend (Cardyard link)

19th of October, 2020More blog posts