News / Blog

  • Boost your payout with Amazon

    Boost your payout with Amazon

    28th of June, 2024

    In June/July we offered the ability to boost your payout when selling us Amazon gift cards. This boost for Amazon cards is expired. Look out for the next boost offer!We accept all types of Amazon gift cards on our sell page and offer the top rate of pa...

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  • The Price is Right

    The Price is Right

    25th of October, 2023

    What is your favourite month of the year? October is mine, Autumnal weather, beautiful crispy orange leaves on the ground, pumpkins and spooky celebrations 👻🎃 We wanted to say hello, give some ...

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  • Hike-proof yourself – to stress (a little) less when bills go through the roof!

    Hike-proof yourself – to stress (a little) less when bills go through the roof!

    31st of March, 2022

    Who hasn’t worried about rising living costs? Unless you’re the landed gentry, or a top shareholder at an energy company, the incoming rising bills are going to hurt. So here’s a short article with some ideas to reduce the impacts of the hikes.

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  • Mum’s the word - Seven savvy mother’s day ideas!

    Mum’s the word - Seven savvy mother’s day ideas!

    1st of March, 2022

    We all know our mums* are amazing, and most of us really want to mark the day for them, by giving them a treat.But what if our wallets aren’t quite on the same page? Nobody wants to spend money they haven’t got** so here’s are our seven options for a low-cost or next-to-f...

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  • ​  Save money!  Here’s how to buy the same item for LESS

    ​ Save money! Here’s how to buy the same item for LESS

    31st of January, 2022

    (And we aren’t talking cheap own-brand stuff either 😊 ) Even when you want the best brands, the biggest names, and the guarantee of a great retailer – try out a Cardyard Pivot and you can be saving cash left, right and centre. Want 6%* off your new sofa at ...

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  • Green up your Giftcard Options!

    Green up your Giftcard Options!

    3rd of January, 2022

    With COP26 still occupying our eco-consciousness, and the dawn of a new year (happy 2022!) now is a great time to assess our personal eco impact. And a huge part of our eco-choices come from what we buy. The choices we make matter – and now, people are even more aware that we can choose pr...

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  • All I want for Christmas is NOT a gift card!

    All I want for Christmas is NOT a gift card!

    2nd of December, 2021

    As I’m writing this, the game of Whamaggedon has just started! What’s that? Well it’s a traditional* Christmas game played all around the, erm, social media world. Whamaggedon Rules: The objective is to go as long as possible without hearing...

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  • Sell giftcards - release cash for Christmas.

    Sell giftcards - release cash for Christmas.

    1st of November, 2021

    You got a gift card that you’ve not spent yet? Let’s be honest, that probably means you never will.Wouldn’t it be nicer to have the cash instead? How to MAKE some cash in time for Christmas! Simply head on over to Cardyard, and

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  • Sell your xmas 20 giftcards - before they expire!

    Sell your xmas 20 giftcards - before they expire!

    4th of October, 2021

    Did you get a giftcard or a gift-voucher for Christmas last year? Is it still in your wallet, on your desk, or in your bedside cabinet?We're calling time on Christmas 2020 giftcards and gift vouchers!Perhaps it’s on the mantlepiece, behind the clock? Somewhere obvious – shouting o...

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  • Did someone call TIME on saving cash?

    Did someone call TIME on saving cash?

    8th of September, 2021

    Drooling over a bargain? Don’t you just adore saving money? If you are anything like me and my friends, the answer is a resounding YES YES YES! Last weekend we spent time with our friends – let’s call them Jane and Jake - who happen to be the richest people we k...

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