​Get an extension on your Giftcard Expiry Date


Are you worried that you’re going to lose your giftcard because you can’t spend it?

One of the problems with giftcards and gift vouchers, is that they often have an expiry date. And time goes by so fast that sometimes we can totally forget that we have the gift voucher until it’s too late…and it’s expired.

Well right now, in the era of Covid19, many giftcards are heading towards expiry and people can’t go out shopping even if they want to! So here’s what you could do, to save yourself from losing out:

Giftcard expiry options

1) Sell that card for cash – use Cardyard to turn your giftcard into money*

2) Trade that card to another card you want –use Cardyard and see what giftcard you can have instead*

3) Get the expiry date extended. Here's how you might do this:

Getting your gift-card expiry date extended.

To get your giftcard expiry date extended you’ll need to write or email to the issuing retailer or retail group.

You can check on your giftcard to find out who and where to write, or look at their website and find the address.

Here’s an example letter that you can use, or write your own:


I am writing to you with the following query. I have [quantity and £ value] of [type] of [giftcards/vouchers] which I have not been able to use as yet. I noticed the expiry date is [DATE] and with the current lock down in place, I am not sure if I will be able to spend them.

Could you please advise what to do?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Yours sincerely


Send the email or letter as soon as possible, and if by email – request a delivery receipt.

Once you've contacted them, you'll probably find that they will be helpful and kind. We've certainly heard from our customers that most good retailers are keen to oblige. Companies understand that the customer service they provide us with now, will influence how we spend our money when we go back to business-as-usual.

(Please note: this is only a suggestion, and we cannot guarantee that any retailer will extend the expiry date - each retailer is responsible for their own customer service, and Cardyard has no control over them)

Good luck - and keep us posted!

In our experience, and after speaking with our many Cardyard sellers and buyers, we are delighted to say that the vast majority of retailers and brands are keen to help and are happy to extend giftcard expiry dates. And do bear in mind that they won’t be losing out on anything, as you’re only requesting an extension to your vouchers.

Good luck and please let us know how you get on. Tweet to us, email us, or post to our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/cardyard.

With kind regards from the Cardyard team

*Both options 1 & 2 depend on you having a reasonable expiration date on your giftcard anyway – so you may need to go for option 3 first, and after that, come back to us to trade or sell.

8th of April, 2020More blog posts