Why would YOU buy from Cardyard?


There are many reasons to buy from Cardyard - here are just two:

  1. Saving money
  2. Gaining flexibility

In our video by Demi, we see how one customer turned £1000 gift-vouchers back into fun, flexible CASH!

Demi is our customer service representative – and she deals with customers on a daily basis.Here she talks about a few of our Cardyard customers, and how they are buying and selling their cards to save money.

Demi explains how one woman retired from her place of work and was given £1000 Selfridges giftcards (lucky woman).However, this fortunate recipient decided that there was no way she could spend a whole £1000 in Selfridges, so she sold her giftcards to Cardyard and used the cash to spend exactly how she wanted – in whichever store she chose.

And how one man boosts his care-home shopping and buys luxury items for residents….

Another person uses Cardyard to make his weekly shopping go even further.As a care-home manager, you can imagine his food spending is quite high, however by using Cardyard, and buying the supermarket giftcards at a discount (at time of writing, the Sainsbury’s cards are discounted by 5% and M&S cards are a whopping 13% off!) he gets even more shopping for his budget.

Thanks to the M&S discounts, he also gets to buy some luxury items from Marks & Spencers which, after the card discount, work out the same price as a standard supermarket.

Watch the video HERE:

17th of April, 2020More blog posts