Which gift card should you give a Time Lord? Emerging from his confession dial after 2 billion years, the Doctor's relief at returning home to Galifry must have been tinged with concern over his gift cards. Would they have expired? Well of course, it depends on which ones he has....
Black Friday is here today, gone tomorrow. Don't despair, you can make savings throughout the year thanks to Cardyard. Buy discounted gift cards and save money in the shops. Sell or exchange unwanted gift cards to get funds for that purchase.
Customers are selling their unwanted gift cards to Cardyard and getting their money quickly.We've been able to verify our customer's gift cards on the same day we've received them. We've also been able to pay our customers within a week so no messing around waiting to get their cas...
A review of activity has lead to a tweaking of the pricing algorithm, and all prices have changed. Overall the discounts have reduced which is good news for those selling us their gift cards.The most expensive cards relative to face value are Amazon, Asda, and Three. You get the be...
We've been getting valuable feedback on our new website. Whatever your opinion on our business, we want to hear it.Whether it be something confusing, a lack of information, or the way we price the cards and their availability, get in touch. If you have signed up use the chat icon (...
I'd like to thank you all. A big thanks for all your kind words yesterday. That goes to all who have supported Cardyard from conception, and those new to Cardyard.Plus a special thank you to our first customer Andy from Windsor. Andy bought a discounted gift card and will ...
cardyard.co.uk launchesThe Cardyard website is now fully operational allowing members of the public to sell unwanted gift cards and make purchases of discounted gift cards.At launch the site had a small stock of major shops available for purchase. Cards from sixty differen...
Mike Hayman, Founder of Cardyard, poses with a Cardyard poster at the neon lights near Eros in London, at the junction of Piccadilly and Shaftsbury Avenue.Tourists and Londoners were curious to know what it's about. Launch date is approaching and soon everyone will be able to excha...
Beta testing beginsThe Cardyard website is now fully featured and ready for testing. People are being invited to try out the site and give feedback.Over the coming weeks the site will undergo rigorous testing and focus groups will be engaged to help iron out any glitches.<...