News / Blog

  • Take stock of 2020 for greater balance in 2021

    Take stock of 2020 for greater balance in 2021

    28th of December, 2020

    You don't need us to tell you this festive season has been weird. After almost a year of being alone, it's still a jolt to the system to have such a different sort of "traditional" time. Even if you have managed to be lucky enough to see your loved ones in the holiday, there’s also something rat...

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  •   2021 – rhymes with FUN!!!!

    2021 – rhymes with FUN!!!!

    23rd of December, 2020

    2020 it’s been a year full of challenges.We all know that. We all get it. From March onwards we’ve struggled as individuals, as families, as societies and as a species. It’s a time that will not be forgotten in a hurry. And our hearts go out to everyone who has suffered. So ...

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  • National Giftcard Day 2021

    National Giftcard Day 2021

    19th of December, 2020

    It’s been going on for years actually – but this year is the first time we thought we’d put a name to it! "National Giftcard Day" in the UK National Giftcard Day, usually happens around the start of the 4th week of January. In 2021, we estimate it will be the 21s...

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  • How to Cope when you buy someone the wrong giftcard

    How to Cope when you buy someone the wrong giftcard

    18th of December, 2020

    Time goes by so slowly…. Aah but it doesn’t does it? It goes by so fast it’s crazy. I mean kids just grow up in front of our very eyes. And if you’ve not seen people for maybe a whole year – this means you haven’t seen them grow up either! And this mean...

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  • UK GiftCard Buyers – here’s how to get the best deal this Christmas!

    UK GiftCard Buyers – here’s how to get the best deal this Christmas!

    18th of December, 2020

    Everyone is being a bit twitchy about buying retailer giftcards this year – and they have a point. After all, once you’ve committed your hard-won cash to a giftcard, there’s no going back… or is there? Fortunately – with Cardyard, you CAN have your gift-card an...

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  • Get Cash Instantly - Gift cards or vouchers!

    Get Cash Instantly - Gift cards or vouchers!

    16th of December, 2020

    Instant cash? Is there such a thing. If you see an advert offering “get cash instantly” - it always pays to ask: "but at what cost?" Here’s a very standard diagram. Most peop...

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  • Voucher swapping

    Voucher swapping

    14th of December, 2020

    Whatever you call it - voucher swapping (even voucher swopping?) or gift card trading - it’s all the same thing. It can work brilliantly when you arrange a simple voucher-swap with close family who you trust 100%, or through a specialist 3rd party like Cardyard, but not so wel...

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  • Save Money at Christmas with Giftcard Hack

    Save Money at Christmas with Giftcard Hack

    11th of December, 2020

    Want to save money? Here’s how to Super-Hack Christmas. You want to buy this £500 high-tech Thingamajig for your beloved. But hey, it’s £500 – OUCH! Also 2020 is a very strange year. Nobody knows what’s going to hap...

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  • The Process of Selling a Giftcard

    The Process of Selling a Giftcard

    9th of December, 2020

    So, you’ve got a giftcard to sell and want to know the process of selling it? Here’s a handy resource for you: VIDEO LINK Big Picture process Upload your giftcard to Card...

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  • Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco’s – even Waitrose gift cards are the new Company Christmas Dinner!

    Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco’s – even Waitrose gift cards are the new Company Christmas Dinner!

    3rd of December, 2020

    If your company normally has a Christmas “Do”, then spoiler alert… chances are you’ll be getting a giftcard instead this year. Covid has meant socialising is OUT. Fortunately – giftcards are distinctly IN! Many companies are already giving out chun...

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