Shops open – be safe and be saving!


Non-essential shops are set to open in a few days, and whilst that’s great news for some of us, others are not so sure. So how do you make the most of the situation, whilst staying safe?

Our shopping suggestions - to be safe and save more

Be safe:
Pay attention to social distancing (of course) and wear a mask if it is appropriate. Some stores insist that you wear a mask and they are certainly socially acceptable these days – here’s some information on mask-wearing from the WHO.

Notice that not everyone is going to be having a great day – and some people (for example those who are working in stores) might be very stressed. So be kind and smile at people – even if you think they can’t see your smile behind the mask – you can tell if someone is smiling by their eyes.

Don’t touch what you’re not going to buy – the less we touch, the safer we (and others) will be.

Look for “unusual” times to go shopping. We recently found out that the local supermarket is emptiest around the times of peak TV viewing and in particular Eastenders nights.

And be saving

Look out for savings, when stores need to move out one season’s product for another. Last Spring’s fashions will be great for this coming Autumn.

Open or not, shops are still offering great deals and that includes free shipping online.

Fill your boots with the right gift-cards bought from Cardyard. Check out the offers online first to be certain, and then gear yourself up appropriately. For example:

Primark Cards – 10% off Buy Primark Giftcards

Superdry – 10% off Buy Superdry Giftcards

M&S – 10% off Buy M&S Giftcards

GAP – 15% off Buy GAP Giftcards

And enjoy a take-home dinner with even more discount – Right now Pizza Express giftcards with 10% off.


Remember you can “double-up” your savings when you get a discount voucher or code – and you ALSO pay with a discounted gift card.

10th of June, 2020More blog posts